
Your reputation is very important both on a personal and business level. In the past, people might have talked over a cup of coffee about your business. Today they review…

you and your business on the internet.  Bad reviews of your products and services can destroy your business.  That is why monitoring what people are saying and responding both to all reviews in a positive manor is important.  Over the course of time hundreds if not thousands of people, all prospective clients of yours, will see what people are saying about you.  You can’t shut off the reviews so how they are handled is important.  Reviews on Google and other platforms count heavily on how a business ranks.  Therefore it is important to know what people are saying so you can correct the situation that are causing negative reviews.  ABS Local Mobile Marketing can help you set up Alerts so you know what people are saying about you on the internet and show you ways to handle the situation.  Positive reviews are like money in the bank.  Prospects want to deal with companies that please their customers.